Property Services

Title Deed Search

A title deed search is a necessary step in the course of purchasing property in Thailand. A search confirms the existence of liens, identifies the current title classification, establishes the seller’s right to own or lease the property, and can indicate the ratio of Thai to foreign ownership of a condominium. Mahanakorn Partners Group assembles the documents and title deeds associated with the property and confirms these details with the Land Department.

Land Title Documents in Thailand

Land Title Documents in Thailand

Chanote (NS-4) Title Deed

A Chanote verifies that the owner has full rights to the property. Survey results are marked by concrete or metal posts, and confirmed by satellite photographs. This land may be transferred or sold baring restrictions stipulated by the previous owner in the purchase agreement. Such restrictions may prohibit sale or transfer for a number of years.

Naw Saw Sam Gaw (NS-3K) Confirmed Certificate of Use

An NS-3K or Confirmed Certificate of Use clearly verifies ownership. The land in question has been unofficially surveyed and marked, and those results have been corroborated by satellite photos. The owner can request that the Land Department officially survey and upgrade an NS-3K to a Chanote Title Deed.

Naw Saw Sam (NS-3) Certificate of Use

An NS-3 or Certificate of Use grants ownership rights that have not been officially confirmed. Sale or mortgage of the land must be published at the Land Department for 30 days, and provided no objection is raised, the transaction can be registeredThe land in question has been unofficially surveyed, and the results have not been corroborated by satellite photographs.

Naw Saw Sawng (NS-2) Preemption Certificate

An NS-2 is a claim certificate that allows temporary occupation and utilization of land. The land may not be sold and may only be transferred in case of inheritance. However, depending on the location, the title may be upgraded.

Saw Kaw Nueng (SK-1) Claim Certificate

An SK-1 certifies possession but not ownership of land. The holder may occupy and utilize the land. The land is easily transferred by passing the SK-1 to the new holder. Depending on the location, the title may be upgraded.