

Expense Reductions for Staff Training Seminars

Thailand Tax Royal Decree No. 716, effective as of 27 May 2021, extends the Thailand corporate tax deduction for staff training seminars and related expenses during 2021.

The deductions were reintroduced earlier last year and have been extended for an applicable period of 01 January 2021 to 30 September 2021. The Decree allows for a 100% expense deduction for expenses paid by corporate entities during this period in relation to the following:

   The costs of seminar rooms, accommodation rooms, transport and related costs for staff training seminars in Thailand; and

   The costs of expenses paid to tour business under the law governing tour operator businesses for such seminars

Corporate entities wishing to be eligible for the expense benefits will be required to incur the costs of the training seminars, which must be held in Thailand. Compliance with Revenue Department additional rules, procedures and conditions is essential for a corporate entity’s entitlement to the corporate tax deduction.