

Breakfast Talk: U.S.–Thailand Cross-border Market Entry Strategies

Mahanakorn Partners Group, Hone Maxwell LLP, and Global US Tax Plan Limited are organizing a breakfast talk on bilateral US-Thailand investment and trade. As the business world continues to globalize, more than ever international and multinational enterprises are seeking to expand into other markets. In recent years, with increased labor costs and regulations, certain countries that used to be favored, such as China, are becoming less optimal. Now, Southeast Asia, specifically Thailand, is becoming a very attractive choice. Thailand has a modern market, affordable and skilled labor force, and is a perfect gateway to Asia Pacific.

When seeking expansion, American companies must tackle two major challenges. First of all, determine the strategy to enter the new market. There are many options, from greenfield ventures to mergers & acquisitions. Next, due to FATCA and increased scrutiny on U.S. international tax reporting, businesses have concerns about potential U.S. compliance questions.

Due to FATCA, increased scrutiny from the IRS on international tax enforcement, and severe penalties, many people may be apprehensive about foreign investment or expansion. Although these issues must be addressed, some countries have blacklisted “tax havens,” where businesses can suffer tax consequences merely for conducting business in these countries. However, the IRS has no such rules. Rather, the U.S. has a set of anti-deferral rules and informational reporting for foreign investment. As long as these rules are met, there are no problems or penalties for foreign expansion.

The Speakers



Join us for this breakfast talk hosted at Mahanakorn Partners Group Co., Ltd., on May 2nd, 2023, 9:00 AM Bangkok time.

Book Your Seat Here 




8:45 – Registrations

9:00 – Luca Bernardinetti, Managing Partner, MPG: Greenfield Ventures, Mergers & Acquisitions

9:10 – Josh Maxwell, CPA, JD, LLM, Hone Maxwell & MPG: U.S. International Tax Basics for Foreign Investment

9:20 – Matthew Stevens, Managing Director, Global US Tax Plan: Tax Compliance for Thai Tax Residents

9:30 – Interactive Q&A session

10:00 – End of event

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